How you spend your days, you spend your life. Following a morning routine that helps create a repeated/automated pattern of activity in your life will help you become a better steward of your time and energy. Personalized routines not only help prime you in the morning, but also helps you create a vision and direction for your day. Here are some morning habits you can implement into your morning routine.
Remember: It takes ~ two months for a behavior to become automatic. As such, start with implementing three realistic habits to your routine, and then gradually adding more as you feel appropriate.
1) Wake up (5 min)
· Get out of bed immediately when the alarm rings, and open the window. Instead of snoozing, think, 5-4-3-2-1-GO and get up.
· Reflect on your dreams, if any, and be mindful of what is going on in your body.
· Make your bed to have the first thing of the day accomplished.
2) Hydrate yourself and have breakfast (15 min)
· Drink a cup of lemon water, tea, smoothie or coffee, and if desired take your supplements/probiotics.
· Eating a small breakfast with protein and fiber in it may help you feel full during the day, thus help prevent overeating later during the day.
3) Brush your teeth/hair (5 min)
· This is also a good time to shower, if needed. Use cold therapy at the end which may help reset your nervous system, and reduce inflammation.
· If desired, put on perfume.
4) Exercise (30 min)
· Follow along to an exercise video, go for a jog, or perhaps just take 2 minutes to move and increase your heart rate through crunches, or jumping jacks. This will help increase your metabolic rate, and give you more energy. You can even listen to an audiobook, podcast, or music of your choice as you exercise.
· This is also a time you can practice deep breathing (alpha, box or Wim Hoff’S breathing).
5) Dress up for the day (5 min)
6) Fill your brain with positive thought/ideas (15min)
· List 3 things you are grateful for and/or have achieved, as well as what you would like to improve moving forward.
· Reflect on what kind of person you would like to be, and how you would like to feel today. That way, you are more like a regulating thermostat, rather than a reactive thermometer just responding to your environment.
· Gain awareness of yourself and determine what your values and priorities are to help you visualize your ideal self, and start transforming your life to reflect your dream.
· Read/say positive affirmations out loud, and set an intention of how you want to end your day.
· Journal, draw, read, pray/meditate.
7) Plan and prepare for the day ahead. (5min)
· List, or review the 3 things you would like to achieve today, and consider what goal will create a “Celebratory moment” when you look back at the end of the day and say, “yes, today was a great day.”
8) Start your day
· Read/watch valuable information or the latest news in a subject you are interested in for 20-30 minutes. Or, perhaps review your emails and deal with the most difficult/stressful things first.
What morning routines do you have for yourself?
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