Sunday, July 7, 2019

Managing an Overwhelming TO DO List.

Do you feel like there is an endless list in your mind of things that need to be done. So much so, that it all feels overwhelming and you can't keep it all straight; nor, do you even know where to start. It's just an overwhelming feeling that leaves you with nothing concretely done, and mentally paralyzed with an ever growing list. If so, this is a sign you need to stop, give yourself a mental break, and get organized. Here are 5 easy steps to get all of the "to dos" floating in your mind down into manageable steps.

1) List everything out: Put everything that is on your mind on paper. Just let it all out. This will help you concretely see what needs to be done, and you might even realize you don't have as much as you thought you did. After this step, you can step away and give yourself a mental break.

2) Group alike items together: This will help you see similar things that can be done together, thus saving you time. You can group items by similarities, or even level of priority depending on your preference.

3) Assess for things you can delegate/omit: If you feel like you are on a time crunch and can't keep up with everything that needs to be done, review your list for things you can delegate others to complete, or omit. You would be surprised how many times we overwhelm ourselves by taking on responsibilities that should be shared with others.

4) Choose 3 action items: Every day pick three things you want to complete for the day, and get 'em done. If you don't finish your entire list that day, at least get three things done that day.

5) Review and Celebrate: As you get things done, cross them out, and relish in the contentment of watching your list shrink.  You did it! You are now well on your way to accomplishing your To Dos.

How do you organize your To Dos?

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#feelingoverwhelmed #Toomanythingstodo #growingtodolist #organizingmybrain #stressedandoverwhelmed  #mentaloverload #Healthystrongbeautiful  #HSBvibes #HSB #thrive #optimism #lifeperspective #awareness #healthpromotion #diseaseprevention #wholistichealth #healthyliving #nurseselfcare #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #Healthandfitness #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #lifestylecoach #healthandwellness #selfcare #takingcareofyourselfv

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