Sunday, March 10, 2019

Health check: Body Composition

To evaluate our overall health and the success of our exercising regimen many turn to their scale to look at their body weight. Today,  I want you to take it a step further and look at your body as a whole and consider body composition. Body composition, looks at your body weight, and considers the percent of fat mass and lean mass (which include your muscles, bones, and connective tissue) your body is made of. 

It's important to note that 1lb of fat and 1lb of muscle weights the same on a scale, but they look different.

As you exercise and gain muscle mass (which is much smaller and denser/heavier, than fat) the number on the scale might not change, in fact, it might be going up at first. Yet, do not get discouraged if the number on the scale doesn't go down right away. Keep exercising anyway. With time, you will look different in your waist, and hips etc.. 

Action: Take out a measuring tape and enter your values in the link below to find out your body fat percentage, lean mass, and body fat category. Track this every month to see if your diet/exercise routine is working for you. 

Reference table of approximate values for optimal health: 

Body Fat % for optimal health
Body Fat % for fitness
Essential Fat %
< 35 in
< 40 in
Waist to Hip ratio
< 0.86
< 0.95

What are your body composition goals?

Photo Source:
#howtomeasurebodyfatpercentage #bodyfatpercentage #healthevaluation #bodycomposition #weightloss #Healthystrongbeautiful  #HSBvibes #HSB #thrive #optimism #lifeperspective #awareness #healthpromotion #diseaseprevention #wholistichealth #healthyliving #nurseselfcare #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #Healthandfitness #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #lifestylecoach #healthandwellness #selfcare #takingcareofyourself

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