Friday, November 8, 2019

4 Steps to Choosing Health Insurance.

You have to chose health insurance, yet are overwhelmed and don’t know where to even begin? Don’t worry, you are not alone, here are some steps and questions you can ask yourself along the way to help make that process easier.  

1)    Terms to know:  
·     Premium: The monthly amount you have to pay to the insurer for covering your risk. 
·     Co-pay: The amount of money you have to pay for each office visit.
·     Deductible: The amount of money you have to pay out-of-pocket until the insurance will start paying a percentage of the costs.
·     Out of pocket maximum: The maximum amount of money you have to pay out-of-pocket, per plan year, until the medical insurance will start paying 100% of the costs. 

2)   Types of insurance
·     Medical: Is Preventative care and medication prescription costs covered? How much is covered when visiting your PCP, specialist, ER, Urgent care, maternity hospitalization etc.?
·     Dental: Is preventative care, basic care, and orthodontia covered? 
·     Vision: Are routine eye exams, lenses, frames, and contact lenses covered?

3)    Other things to consider: 
·     Does the plan have a narrow, or wide network of providers? 
·     Who is the medical/dental/vision claims administrator? (ex. Moda health, Delta group? Core vision?)
·     How much is your employer willing to pay? 

4)    Be prepared: Once you have chosen/accepted your insurance coverage, look up in-network medical, dental, and vision providers that you can follow up with.  Write down their name, number, and location so that should an unexpected urgency arise, you know whom you can go to. 

What factors do you consider when choosing health insurance? 

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#healthandwellness #selfcare #takingcareofyourself

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