Saturday, February 16, 2019

Kitchen: Food Inventory List

Do you need help making cooking at home easier for you? Do you want to start cooking more, but don't know where to start? How about help finding inspiration for meal preps, help with grocery shopping, or just reducing food waste? If so, first step, you need to know what you have in your kitchen! That includes your pantry, cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer. Take these 3 steps to start your kitchen personalizing journey:

1) Take everything out of your cupboards and group them. Discard old spices, and place the good ones back into the cupboard by their category.  Have a designated spot for similar categories. (Repeat this process with your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer)
2) Write down a list of all of the food that you have under categories similar to the following to help keep an inventory of household food:
  • Rice & Grains: Beans, rice, pasta, rolled oats, quinoa
  • Dried herbs: Bay leaves, salt/pepper, paprika, steak seasoning, cayenne pepper etc. 
  • Oils/Vinegar/Condiments: Extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar
    • Fridge: Ketchup, mayonnaise, ranch, soy sauce, barbecue sauce
  • Canned goods: Broth stock/soup base, tomatoes (paste, sauce), olives, kidney beans
    • Homemade canning: whole tomatoes, pickles, fermented cabbage
  • Snacks/cereals: Dried fruit, crackers, nuts, seeds, tortilla
  • Drinks: Coffee, Tea, apple cider, mineral water, orange juice
  • Baking: Baking soda/powder, vanilla extract, flour, cornstarch, yeast, gelatin
  • Fresh produce: Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, lettuce, avocado, onion, garlic, potatoes
    • Fruit: Bananas, apples, oranges
  • Dairy: Milk, eggs, sour cream, cream cheese, yogurt, butter, feta cheese
  • Freezer: Chicken breasts, ground beef, vegetable mix, fruit mix,  puff pastry, pizza dough

3) Lastly, look at your list, and make note of what you need to buy, or possibly have a lot of and can use as an inspiration for your next recipe.Your now well on your way to achieving your goals in the kitchen! Well done.

What type of food did you find you had more than expected?

***Picture source: BuzzFeed
#pantryorganizing #kitchenorganizing #beginnercook #overwhelmed #kitcheninspiration #mealinspiration #foodinventorylist #Healthystrongbeautiful  #HSBvibes #HSB#thrive #optimism #lifeperspective #awareness #healthpromotion #diseaseprevention #wholistichealth #healthyliving #nurseselfcare #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #Healthandfitness #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #lifestylecoach #healthandwellness #selfcare #takingcareofyourself

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