Sunday, May 6, 2018

Self-Care: Shower Routine

What a difference a shower routine can make on your day.  A simple routine such as this can give you the gift of a new mood, a new perspective, a new day. Your bored/sad/upset? Take a shower. Just let the old rinse away as you scrub in the new and bring in a more positive perspective to your day. 

Here is a simple self care shower routine I like to use to help bring more of a "feel good" vibe to my day:

1) Brush/floss your teeth.
  • I find electrical toothbrushes do a more thorough job in getting all the nooks and crannies in your teeth, so don't be afraid to invest in one. 
  • If you notice any plaque or stains, its time to schedule a dentist appointment.
2) Shower methodically
  • Start with wetting your hair and washing it with shampoo. 
  • Afterwards shave your armpits, legs etc.
  • Wash your body by lathering your sponge with your favorite body wash.
  • Finally, rinse and twirl your hair up in a towel while you do the next steps.
3) Cut your toenails and fingernails
  • Cut your nails straight across
  • Cut any dry skin around your nails with a cuticle trimmer and add cuticle cream to keep it moist.
  • If your up for it, you can even put on a fresh coat of nail polish. Otherwise, make sure you remove any old nail polish.
4) Dry the rest of your hair
  • While its still damp, add an oil elixir to the ends to prevent split ends, as well as volumizing mouse before drying.
  • If your up for it, you can even straighten your hair and moisturize your face if its too dry.
5) Put on a nice dress and Voila. Soak in the goodness as you enjoy your freshly self.

What self-care routine do you find best brings out your freshly self?

***Picture Source:
#showerroutine #hygiene #hairroutine #nailroutine #Healthystrongbeautiful  #HSBvibes #HSB #thrive #optimism #lifeperspective #awareness #healthpromotion #diseaseprevention #wholistichealth #healthyliving #nurseselfcare #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #Healthandfitness #healthcoach #healthandwellness #selfcare #takingcareofyourself

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