Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Social Media illusions

We are increasingly surrounded by social media via Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Facebook and other platforms trying to portray an illusion of "Perfection". And, when we are not on guard and vulnerable ourselves,  you find yourself comparing and somehow feeling less. You start doubting your potential, talents, uniqueness, and value.

At the heart of it we need to realize that we all bleed the same blood.  Behind that photoshopped filtered photo, behind that smile, behind the flowers and picturesque background you would be surprised to see how much those who strive to create an image of perfection hurt on the inside
themselves. Yet, you don't get many followers if your sad, or show your "imperfections". Our society doesn't really want to be bothered by other peoples hurt, and frankly don't really know what to do.  

Just imagine if everyone was exactly the same? I think we can all agree that, it would be such a boring world to live in. We need a variety of people from different backgrounds, shapes, sizes, looks, shades, experiences, tastes and talents. Its what makes the world beautiful. Your originality is what makes the world beautiful.

Who you are, is beautiful. 

In the spirit of HSB, lets take the time to look in the mirror and appreciate our uniqueness. Write down 10 things you like about yourself. And, how you can use your talents to help others.  Share your top three below.

#socialmediaillusion #perfection #socialmedia #insecurities #Healthystrongbeautiful  #HSBvibes #HSB #thrive #optimism #lifeperspective #awareness #healthpromotion #diseaseprevention #wholistichealth #healthyliving #nurseselfcare #selfcare #takingcareofyourself

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