Sunday, December 4, 2022

How to declutter and organize your house

Is your house a mess? Are you wanting to put your house in order, yet just don’t know where to start? If so, the KonMari method might be for you. Here are some simple steps to consider as you get started on your journey to tidying and reclaiming/restoring back the balance in your home methodically, thoroughly, and completely.


1)   Take the time to envision/picture what kind of house you would like to live in, and how it would be like to have a clutter-free organized space. What vibe would you like it to radiate?


2)   Prepare your mindset and consider the following before starting.


·     Keep: Keep and surround yourself with only things you love, not “just because,” or that you “might” use it in the future. The question of what you want to own/keep is really a question of how you want to live your life.


·     Discard: Discard anything that you no longer need, has outlived its purpose, or does not spark joy (radiate the vibe you want). A general guide is that if an item has not been used in a year, throw it away. Often, if you are having a hard time letting go, it might be because you are attached to your past, or have a fear of the future. Remember, the joy you feel here/now are more important during your tidying journey. 


3)   Go through each item in your house by category, in the exact order listed below. Check that you gather and handle every single item in the house in the category you are working on to determine if you want to a) keep it or b) discard/give it away. Note, make sure that you hydrate yourself and plow steadily, yet quickly through each category. 


·     Clothes--- First tops (i.e. shirts/sweaters), then bottoms (i.e. pants/skirts), clothes that need to be hung (i.e. jackets, coats, suits), socks, underwear, bags (i.e. handbags), accessories (i.e. scarves, belts, hats), specific event clothes (i.e. swimsuits, uniforms), and shoes. 

· If you need to try something on, set it aside to do so after you have sorted all your clothes.

·     Books--- Divide into four piles: General (i.e. books you read for pleasure), practical (i.e. references, cookbooks), visual (i.e. photograph collections, coffee-table books), magazines

· Don’t stop to read them as you are decluttering.

· Only keep the once you absolutely love. Remember, there is a very low chance you will reread your books again.

· In the end, your bookshelf should contain books of what you aspire to be. 

·     Papers--- Divide into three piles: To pay/action (i.e. outstanding bills, letters that need to be sent), To file (i.e. papers that need to be kept indefinitely), To recycle/shred.

· A general guide is to try and discard everything

· Papers should be kept in one spot only, and not spread to other parts of the house. 

· Deal with your “To pay/act” pile at the end of your paper tidying campaign. 

·     Komono(miscellaneous) --- CDs/DVDs, stationary supplies (i.e. equipment, paper/letter-related supplies), electrical equipment/appliances (i.e. digital cameras, USBS, electrical cords/stuff), skin care products, makeup, accessories, medicines, relaxation goods, valuables (i.e. passport/credit cards/wallet), sewing kits, tools, hobby items, collectables (i.e. figurines, themed items), linen and bedding, recreational items (i.e. badminton sets, balls, fishing gear), Seasonal items (i.e. holiday décor), Emergency supplies, rain gear, kitchen items (i.e. eating items, cooking items, food), Cleaning items, laundry items, bathroom items, other (i.e. spare change, figurines)

· The order you declutter in this category is up to you. 

· Don’t stop to listen to music or watch a DVD. 

·     Mementos/Sentimental

· Remember, we cannot live in the past. The joy and excitement we feel here and now are more important.



4)   Start organizing that which you have decided to keep. 

·     Designate a space for everythingClutter is caused by a failure to return things to where they belong. 

·     Start by filling the built-in storage, and the largest items first.

·     Store all items of the same category in the same place, and don’t scatter storage spaces. Consider storing by material: cloth, paper, electric.

·     Store items in such a way that you can tell at a glance where everything is stored.

·     If an item can stand on edge without falling, it should be stored upright. If an item is soft/pliable, it should be stored folded

·     Maximize your storage capacity using square storage spaces. 

·     When storing clothes, arrange your closet by category so that they rise to the right. Start in the far left with coats, followed by dresses, jackets, pants, skirts and blouses. 

· If you are feeling extra fancy, you can even color coordinate within each category with darker colors on the left gradually moving towards lighter colors. 

· If possible, keep clothes ready to use regardless of the season. 


5)   Decorate and celebrate your accomplishment!

·     Personalize your house using items that spark joy (i.e.  flowers/plants, wall art, color coordinate curtains/bedsheets with your favorite color, add aroma oils, or put other special items on display).

What things have you finally decided to discard on your tidying journey?


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